You should change the name from sun sword to Solar Sword.
The name Dragon Blade sounds better. Change the damage stats, making the damage from 23 to 30.
The sun thing kind of fits it all together and Dragon Blade was weapon that will be hard to draw I am glad you like them name:+1:
Solar Sword sound kind of better, but it is up to you.
I’ll see what everyone else says
- Sun Sword
- Solar Sword
- Other (please specify)
0 voters
Solar sword sounds cool.
Yes I agree Solar Sword sounds the best. These are some great ideas
Okay I will change it now
Thanks for voting to change my swords name
That’s a sword from dark souls 2
That is a fantasy moon sword
And that, is the first thing that came up when I google imaged it.
Anyway, look at the bottom left corner of the sun sword and you’ll see it’s from devianart. Don’t steal credit.
@milton.jinich, I don’t see why you would steal this art and claim it’s yours… What’s the point? If you don’t want to try and draw it yourself, just put in the idea without a drawing. Anyway, if you’re going to cheat, at least cheat well:
This guy is called rittik designs and he makes some really cool art. I’m 100% sure he’s not you. Besides, there’s no way anyone could draw that with just a laptop.
This has already been mentioned in this topic: stop stealing art, it’s not cool. If you want to trace something to get a cool looking result, it’s fine, as long as you credit the original, but blatantly stealing art is not allowed.
typhoon sword:
DMG: 10 for attack(enemy)
-10 hp
-5 speed
special ability: tornado that gushes away enemy, and makes the enemy stunned for 5 secs. Only usable once per battle.
Skyrim I acctualy love skyrim
This is the first time I’m doing something like this, so any criticism/advice is welcome
Ice Wand:
Description: It’s a wand made for a wizard/witch.
Cost: 3820
Damage: 90(when using hero.attack(enemy)
DPS: 100
Power Up: N/A
It’ll freeze the enemy for 20 seconds.
It’ll make the enemy half as fast as it usually would be. This is the entire body; Not just the legs/arms.
Cooldown: Freeze: 20secs, Slowmo: 10secs
Created by Rittik-Designs on Devintart
That’s so similar to something Luke gave Percy in Percy Jackson(book series). :0
Luke gave Percy “winged shoes” as a gift for a quest, and with those shoes, he can fly anywhere he wants.
(image found on google)
Great idea did you create that or is that a picture you found
Nevermind I’m stupid lol
huh lol those look pretty cool where you found them doods