I keep seeing things like that on TikTok.
So… It ended. I will make a poll now.
- @Aya’s joke
- @riticmaster908’s joke
- @enPointe77 's joke
- @Vanessa’s joke
- @hellodaddy’s joke
- @abc’s joke
- @Anonym’s joke
- @cheddarcheese’s joke
0 voters
Choose the joke that you like most!
Warning: Do not vote your joke, even if you like it most.
Good luck everyone!
Congratulations, @abc! You won the 2021-2022 Joke Tournament!
Thanks to everyone who particiapted!
- Yes
- No
- Make another tournament
0 voters
What does the last option mean?
It means that I should make another Tournament but with another task (for example, a lego tournament or a best food tournament, etc.).
My old science teacher used to tell that one.
What are the deadliest type of insects?
Programming Bugs.
Here’s one a chemistry teacher told me explaining significant figures:
The man asked a guard working at a history museum, “How old is that t-rex skull?”
The guard answered, “150 million years and two weeks”
The man replied, “How do you know it’s two weeks?”
The guard answered, “Easy. I started working here two weeks ago and they told me it was 150 million years old.”
Here’s one my friend told me (its related to science i guess):
One day an atom asked another atom
atom1 ‘Why do you look so down’
atom2 ‘I just lost an electron’
atom1 ‘Oh no! Are you sure?’
atom2 ‘I’m positive’
ooh I’ve got 1
How do rocks freshen up?
(get it, Geode)