You haven’t seen the Python movie about coding? It’s about the holy wars. You might like it.
Look, when you’re 21, I’ll take you that owl restaurant but until then you gotta stick with Olive Garden.
It’s just because he’s a limper.
I may not understand what you are saying, after all, I am only in junior high school
He does a funny manuever where he turns everystep but then keeps moving the direction before. I believe there is also some “drifting”
It’s okay UnholdlyMaker. It’s just a movie called Moldy Python and the grail or something. I think it’s what coding python is based on.
Look, not trying to brag, but the BBA did have a student who was #1 ranking lasted for almost 8 minutes, which (and I hope I’m not being too boastful here…) is NEARLY OVER 500 seconds… #Factsish
So if you don’t understand how our elaborate code works… rest ashored that we nor the moldy python movie understands either.
We wish you the best of luck in the wars to come.
Is that a racial comment?
(is this on? hashbrowns winning!)
Hey my donkey still walks with a limp. Help!
@Venneth, I would like to ask if the enemy’s starting point has been changed, such as increasing x and subtracting 1, etc. Because the hero’s starting point is 9, it is absolutely impossible to reach 3. Also, I originally fought cpepper1, and he was at the beginning It won’t hit the wall, and it will only hit the wall from the enemy’s perspective. It means that only the blue side’s x has been changed. Can you fix it? Thank you.
Do you have two accounts? Are you fastfisch?
Hmmm thats weird
The starting position was indeed updated, but it was to fix blue’s starting position since it was previously 73 ( the max x is 80, so mirroring 9 should be 71)
Hmm it seems like there is some code to adjust for the position manually (to offset the previously incorrect mirroring), apologies for that, I thought I mirrored it correctly last time
Everything should be working correctly if that adjusting code is removed (from their side)
Also I did something to try and fix the hero.turn movement being inconsistent ( you should no longer be able to move some odd amount of steps using hero.turn and moving forward), let me know if its still happening
hey @Venneth Water bullet arrow still seems to have some issues
Also, water bullet damage seems to be inconsistent. Is this intentional? Thank you
Remember, the damage gets higher when you are farther away from your target and smaller the closer he is when you hit him.
Hey @Venneth, I get losses to people where they had 20 health or lower and just more solar than me and one. Does the winner of the match depend on just the solar or the health as well.
The winner of the match does depend only on the solar if the match goes to tiebreaker
The hitbox of the water bullet depends on the opponent’s distance from it. I think visually the water bullet shouldnt be able to hit the opponent anyway in the screenshot you provided.
And yes, what Johnathonaldridge said is correct, the damage and slow duration depends on how far your target is.
(In technical terms, the longer the bullet exists before it hits, the higher the damage and the longer the slow duration)