Usara's abilities

I am about to buy Usara, could you give me some tips on how to use her ailitys?

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Use magnet field, and send there a robobomb. (in the middle of the field)

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Oooh, that sounds dangerous

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Is swap usefull? I think it could be used nicely but how?

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Swap. Yes. You made a topic, with my swap idea, aren’t you?

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I am sorry, I dont quite understand, what swap tactic?

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This one.

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Nooooo I meant Usaras swap

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Ah power swap? Sorry. I think yes. You can swap with a Griffin and it will defend you while you are making an army of yetis, burls, skeletons and robobombs.

But I know the swap tactic you mean :see_no_evil:

Useful, but doesent robobomb freindly fire so it will kill all your units you have summoned?

You can first summon a robobomb and then others.

I think you should cast a magnet field forcing enemies to collide into a robo-bomb

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