What should I buy next?

i just got the flower ring

but uhhh I might have skipped 5 levels…

here PM me @Falcons118

@milton.jinich What i meant was that i found the solution and finished the two flowers

I know I sent you a PM if you need help on future levels. Are you a subscriber


okay this might prove challenging

Ok now i have enough to buy temple sword or the forgotten sword

buy temple guard it comes in handy when you deal with scouts or munchkins it also has a power up that makes you big

which sword
  • Temple Sword
  • Forgotten Sword

0 voters

morning’s edge has a really good ability, and is OP for swarm control, it can 1-tap a munchkin, but is super fast

wait so you are saying mornings edge. @qwerty said forgotten sword and @milton.jinich said temple sword. I dont know which one to pick :confounded:

I would say Sword of the Forgotten because it has high damage and high DPS, so it has fast attacks.

I think @abc is right it is better price wise

ok I wll buy the forgotten one now

Ok this is the last time, what should I buy next??? here is my equipment. Should I buy armor or shield or a new sword
P.S I am not a member

save up for a better shield preferably deflector

so should I get a shield, armor or a sword???

how is that shield useful???

shield since they can attack, add tons of health, defend. So the shield is key for lots of situations since it is offensive and defense