Hello, new code combattant here. I chose Javascript when I signed up, now I want to try another language, like, say, Lua. How can I change the programming language in the game puzzles ?
Thank you and sorry if the question has already been answered. I did a pre-search with “change programming language” before posting this question.
Hi, in single player, to do so go to the select equipment screen, and select the change hero button.
There you can select your programming language.
On multiplayer I just found out today, once you hit play, you can go to the Game Menu button on the upper side of the screen, on the Restart Level tab you can select your language.
When I click on the choose hero button I’m told “Subscribers Only”. How do I get past this? If I press enter the game begins but insists that I need to “Write code with no problems.”
This software seems to be deeply deeply broken. Please assist. Any help appreciated.
Only the first 5 levels are free, and don’t provide much coding knowledge
It mostly only uses the hero.move[up,down,left,right]() commands, which are in CodeCombat’s library, or, to word it differently, not useful in real coding.
Since these levels give little coding insight, the CodeCombat team likely decided that there was no point being able to switch languages.
The free levels appear to serve more as an introduction to the game.
Summary - Only first 5 levels are free, can’t change language unless subscribed, subscription ~£10/month
If yes
Contact customer support at support@codecombat.com via email, explaining the situation and that you can’t access subscriber features even though you’re paying for premium.
Hopefully this helps to resolve the issue, if not, ping me @MarmiteOnToast and I’ll do my best to assist further