Idea Suggestions Thread

i also had an idea what if the theif was neutral so when you killed the theif it it had stolen from an orge team enemy than you would gain that stuff to adding a lot of advanced coding options

Lol the most OP thing ever suggested

Sets price to 0

Mind blown

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Dragon rider:
Damage: 50 (100 dps)
Health: 400
Speed: 20
Breathe fire: Breathe fire on your foes, dealing 100 splash damage for 5 meters
Roar: haste but half of warcry’s
Granted by boss star V


What’s the gold cost?

100, tell me it should be more

Maybe 150… I mean I think that it’s quite OP for 100 and with a findBestValue calculator and the mimic pet the Dragon Rider could be slightly more than OP

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I guess, but that would be kinda expensive


Hm… True…

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Yeah. Maybe I could nerf it

Where does the dragon rider come intro the findBestValue and mimic combo?

To get coins to buy it

What if there are no coins and only boss star generation?

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Lemme think of an excuse…

Yep ur right ig. (My grammar’s ok when I want it to be ok)

Really can buy now? @Chaboi_3000

goldstorm exists lol

If no gold wand???

Doesn’t mean that you can use it always, plus not everyone has infinite gems

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Would it be a good idea if we were able to change the color of our hero and units? (Like the yellow paladin bug). We could choose it for free, or you would have to pay gems for it.

I have a new idea for a new hero, so you know how ritic is sortof a robot out of the glacier. SO I say that when the Volcano levels are released, you should make another hero that is great for the Volcano world.

Good Idea?
  • yes
  • no
  • perhaps

0 voters

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Let’s think of a new hero with some abilities that are useful in volcano
PS. Is this idea ok?