Hey @Venneth, sorry to bother you. Are you going to add a way for us to track the opponent’s water arrow and shock-traps.
I’m not planning to add them in the future, since there is a way to track those water arrows/ shock-traps to a certain accuracy with the current APIs
The hit radius should be 3.5 at the current state of the arena
I think you should write an anti-fog program. If you walk in the middle of my solar panels, you won’t have any solar panels, so you have to be careful.
Ya, I know. I put it on hold last night and went to sleep. But now that you are trying to chase me I will chase you. Btw, your code is great.
Do you think that it would be better strat to do a zigzag when going toward an opponent? Or do you think going in a straight line is better?
This is also part of my improvement
Oh sorry. I didn’t mean to dis you or anything like that, I was just wondering if you were doing it on purpose.
Yes,I,am on purpose…
Hey @Venneth, my code has gone missing as well, can you send it to me, thanks.
You will see different results for both parties, because the computer cannot execute two people at the same time, so does one party have to execute first? (I guess)
I lose to an AI every time…
Hello, just popped up to show one-of my games.
Could we have the console looked at? It looks like it’s outputting the coordinates of the turtles and is making it hard to debug since it hits the log limit. It also does this if I remove my code so I don’t think it’s something on my end. Thanks.
Should not be appearing anymore, thanks!
Hey @Venneth, can you add a variable for the water arrow. I want to use its properties, such as its speed, to find out how long I should wait before using water arrow so that I can hit the opponent at a farther distance.
Or at least give the speed in the hints.
so how to find shockTrap?! ,By the way, I have only learned programming for less than 1 year.
They probably just want us to have to take certain damages. Or else no one would ever hit anyone with a shock Trap or water arrow.
So I feel that programming skills are very much needed this season.