he meant
Try taking a screenshot of the code
hey you understand Vietnamese, right?
nope. just using googl translate
I can understand Vietnamese because im from Vietnam. But im in spain now.
Hello guys,
can anybody suggest me how to avoid from the clouds?
please help me!
if your target is right yo can see if hero.x+4 will in the shadows or not (shadows radius is 4)
hey @Unholy_Maker, how do you know that number?
you can move you mouse and hold your mouth in the place, so you can see x,y something of numbers, this is why Unholy_Maker know that.
aha, thanks!!! I forgot, i couldn’t recognize when you told me
can you see my mistake? help me please!
shadows.x shadows.y are the middle at shadows
so! <=9 (Of course, if you want to write it all, this is not a wise move,wait me 10 hr i want to sleep)
where are you? bro just sleep 12 hours ago
He will get back to you. Just be patient. He does have a life.
at home.
x=[all of the x of shadows] y=x=[all of the y of shadows]
it means x=[range(shadows.x-4,shadows.x+5)]
How to position the opponent to shoot the waterGun?
You turn to face them, shoot, then turn to your original direction.
By the way, welcome to discourse, I cannot formally welcome you but, thank you for joining, make sure to read our FAQ , our guidelines, and remember to format your code!
I want to shoot in the direction of the opponent but it only shoots in a straight line
hey, how to thow the shockTrap to the enemy