It probably hasn’t been implemented yet
Hey @Venneth, should this be happening. This archers health kept growing every time I hit it with a heal ball.
The health bar seems to be extending, that should only be a visual bug, in reality, the health is still within the max health of the archer
Though I’m considering not allowing heals on defenders ( initially spawned units like archer and knight )
The tiebreaker which uses total items collected is in, but it takes into account every single item the players have collected from the beginning of the game,
There will be now a number indicating that at the bottom
Though I’m considering to add a second tiebreak in case this number is still the same, the additional tiebreak being the total number of items left unused at the end
@Venneth sometimes, tower’s missile kills collector. i don’t want it to happen too often, could you do something about it? It happened at 1:20 to 1:22 in the link below.
I think that hasteball shouldn’t have a max cast x. It’s a very underwhelming spell rn
Unable to load the game at all. From unreadable x property?
Btw, is it possible to control my own soldiers? Would turn way funner.
I do seem to get that too, against DimaP123
It seems that he has an error in his chooseItem function, however because it is being run by the referee, it gets triggered as a non-user code error instead of a user code error
Thinking of a solution to this
Healball and hasteball shouldn’t have a max cast X, that was an error from my side, apologies, should be fixed
@Venneth , when I log enemy.speed the computer returns “undifined.”
unit.speed should now be defined, thanks for the report!
also, added error handling in hero.chooseItem, if an error happens in the function it will default to find the nearest item instead
This should fix the error that was happening when spectating DimaP123’s match
Hasteball should be longer cuz it isn’t really used in play
@Venneth The tiebreaker doesn’t seem to be that accurate.
Hello @Buddeycc , the tiebreaker will first look at the accumulated energy and mana for both players, which is shown on the healthbar
137 vs 142
if this number is both the same, it will then look at the remaining energy and mana
@Venneth The robobombs do not seem to be blowing up properly. They do their thing when they explode on their own, with the red wave, but the robot-towers don’t take any damage
I’ve noticed that too.
Hey @Venneth, why does each player start with three items already collected when the match begins?